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- Hits: 1983
Bolesław Szewc
Problems of Criticism of the Communist Poland’s Security Service (SB) Files as Historical Sources
Full text in English: https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v48i4.965 (Find the link to the PDF file there)
Abstract. Despite the passage of 20 years from the opening of the archives of the former SB, historians have not developed the principles of critical assessment of communist Security Service files (SB files) as historical sources, what favors the so-called gaming with files, and consequently the destruction of historical narratives and social life. Researchers and journalists developed an affirmative attitude towards the files of the communist Security Service, which resulted in neglecting the critical assessment of them. Historical methodologists indicate two main reasons of this situation: shaping the scientific department of the Institute of National Remembrance as an office, not a historiographic school, and the novelty of SB sources requiring the development of new heuristic rules for their interpretation.
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- Hits: 3385
The Gift of Faith as the universal catholic book
Fr. Bolesław Szewc
The Gift of Faith (in some countries Inquiring Faith) convinces numerous people of various cultures. It is very demonstrative book that appeals to the experience of homo religiosus – religious man who is each one of us according to Mircea Eliade. To illustrate the issues of spiritual life, Fr T. Dajczer was using examples of universal human experiences: our talents, freedom and enslavedness, distrust and trust, uneasiness and peace, temptation and experience of a dessert, rich an humble means, emptying and our inner transformation etc. It is unlikely to write religious book for all religions but Fr Dajczer has achieved the supreme level of universality that is possible for entirely catholic book.
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- Hits: 4129
Bolesław Szewc
"The Gift of Faith" as a harbinger of a new theological paradigm
"The Gift of Faith" has a logical structure and a critical apparatus unparalleled in the literature on spiritual life. At the same time, it is written in the language of experience using metaphors, symbolic expressions and rhetoric means typical of homiletics or pastoral texts. They create a unique synthesis of spiritual life written in the language of experience. Fr. Dajczer, who puts everything into structures with his outstanding scientific mind, created a work that proposes a new paradigm of practical theology and theology of spiritual life.
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The Understanding of Fr. Tadeusz Dajczer’s Writings
Methodological Indications
Fr. Bolesław Szewc
Keywords: Fr. Tadeusz Dajczer, spirituality, method, didactic function, provocation, drawing to God.
Abstract: The paper is an attempt to capture the essence of the method applied by Fr. Tadeusz Dajczer in his spiritual works and to some extent in scientific ones. The essence of the method consists in didactic function of his works which in the domain of spiritual life is expressed by drawing and guiding the recipient towards God.
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Rev. Bolesław Szewc
The method and the language of Rev. Prof. Tadeusz Dajczer’s spiritual writings
The summary
Key words: Dajczer, spiritual life, language, symbol, metaphor;
The incomprehension caused many unpleasantness in the history of the Church. Many times incomprehension concerns the spiritual life when somebody does not distinguish a statement about spiritual life from dogmatic ones. So the meaning of the spiritual authors’ works needs better understanding. This includes the spiritual works of Rev. Prof. Tadeusz Dajczer.