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- Hits: 4474
Tile: Żyć Eucharystią (To live by the Eucharist )
Authors: Fr. Zbigniew Godlewski,
Fr. Bolesław Szewc
Place of publication: Warszawa - Koło
Year of publication: 2012
format: B5 (176x250mm)
pages: 196
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- Hits: 3466
Title: Eucharystia. Historia, życie duchowe i praktyka adoracji (The Eucharist – the History, Spiritual Life and the Practice of Adoration)
The catechesis for the adoring the Most Blessed Sacrament in the Church of St Joseph in Warsaw-Kolo from 2012 to 2017
The Editorial Team: Ks. Zbigniew Godlewski, Ks. Bolesław Szewc
The place of publication: Warszawa
The year of publication: 2017
format: A5 (148x210mm)
pages: 226
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Read more: The Eucharist – the History, Spiritual Life and the Practice of Adoration